Welcome to Ultrafest XI
Ultrafest XI focuses on the innovative use of ultrasound imaging
for speech and language research. Join us for insightful
discussions and presentations.
![Ultrafest Torii Image](UltrafestTorii.jpeg)
Instructions for presenters
Here there are some technical instructions for all presenters: Instructions
Here is the schedule of Ultrafest XI talks and posters: Final schedule
Extended abstracts
Find here the book of extended abstracts in PDF format: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12578650
How to cite an extended abstract:
Author names (2024). Extended abstract title. In I. Wilson, A. Mizoguchi, J. Perkins, J. Villegas, & N. Yamane (Eds.), Ultrafest XI: Extended Abstracts (pp. xx–xx). University of Aizu. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12578650
Call for Papers
We welcome submissions covering diverse aspects of speech and
language research incorporating ultrasound technology.
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair.
- Deadline for abstract submission:
March 15, 2024 March 29, 2024
- Abstracts should not exceed one side of A4 paper, with 2.5 cm
margins, single-spaced, font size 12 or larger, and normal
character spacing.
- Supplemental materials (figures, tables, references) can be
included on a second page.
- Please submit your abstract in PDF format, including your name
and affiliation.
- Each contributor may be the first or single author on one
Presentation Format:
- On the EasyChair submission site, please indicate your preferred presentation format (oral or poster).
- While Ultrafest XI is intended as an in-person conference,
remote participation options will be available.
Review Process and Notification:
- All abstracts will undergo rigorous review by our scientific
- Authors were notified of acceptance via email on May 3, 2024
We look forward to your valuable contributions to Ultrafest
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Invited Speakers
Bryan Gick
University of British Columbia (Linguistics)
How ultrasound helped crack speech posture
Accurate vocal tract information acquired by ultrasound
Early registration by May 26, 2024 (23:59 Japan Standard Time).
To register, follow this link:Online registration
Note: Online registration will close at 9:00 AM (Japan Standard Time) on June 24th.
Non-student Registration Fees
- EARLY registration: ¥15,000
- LATE registration: ¥20,000
- Registration for ONLINE-ONLY attendees: ¥4,000
Student Registration Fees
- EARLY registration: ¥7,500
- LATE registration: ¥10,000
- Registration for ONLINE-ONLY attendees: ¥2,000
Registration fees for those attending onsite include two lunches (bentos), as well as coffee break beverages/snacks.
Access and Venue
Note: The departure and arrival times may vary depending on weather and traffic conditions.
These are some sightseeing possibilities for the attendees. There's going to be more information distributed in pamphlets during the conference. Note that there are two festivals (Firefly on Saturday and Iris all weekend) on the weekend right before the conference. Some links are in Japanese only (but automatic translation does a fair job)
We have now informed the Washington Hotel and the Toyoko Inn of the names of people who requested single rooms that we had saved. We also emailed those people (on June 13th) to let them know. Both of those hotels are a short walk from the Aizu-Wakamatsu train station. The dates we have reserved are June 23-26 (3 nights). Our conference rate for the Washington Hotel is ¥7,900 per night and that includes breakfast and free parking. For the Toyoko Inn, it's ¥8,200 per night, including breakfast. Parking there is ¥500/day. For both hotels, please pay directly at the reception desk.
Other possibilities of accommodation are available at:
Ultrafest XI is proudly sponsored by
- JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K00621
- JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP23K12212
- Hiroshima University
- Maebashi Institute of Technology
- The University of Aizu
Next Ultrafest
The next Ultrafest conference "Ultrafest XII" will be hosted by Université Paris Cité, probably in November 2026. Stay tuned!
Previous Ultrafest Conferences
Links to previous conferences:
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